Looks Like Avengers 4 Might Be Giving Iron Man A Cool, New Weapon

Looks Like Avengers 4 Might Be Giving Iron Man A Cool, New Weapon

Even before he donned his numerous Iron Man suits, Tony Stark was a master at creating weapons, though that was solely for turning a profit at Stark Industries. Nowadays any weapon Tony comes up with is for benevolent purposes, although as we saw with Ultron, sometimes these plans can go horribly wrong. Regardless, Tony is still tinkering around, and a new Avengers 4 set photo has revealed he might be breaking out a new weapon that has a ridiculous amount of firepower.

You can head to the geekpowerbackup Instagram page to look at this Avengers 4 set photo, but this device basically looks like a giant cannon that resembles the Proton Cannon that Iron Man would break out in the Marvel vs. Capcom video game. Granted, this particular contraption isn't nearly as massive as the Proton Cannon and can't be brought out nearly as easily, but it definitely looks like it could a powerful punch.

For those of you wondering if this weapon is legit, we've actually already seen it. During Avengers: Infinity War, when James Rhodes is chatting with Thunderbolt Ross in Tony Stark's workshop at the Avengers' headquarters, the weapon is in the background, as you'll see below on the far left side.

Naturally given everything that was happening in that scene, most viewers probably didn't pay any to this device. After all, as mentioned earlier, Tony Stark likes building things, so what does it matter of there's a particularly big contraption sitting in the corner? However, the weapon popped up again last month in that cryptic "Look hard" photo directors Joe and Anthony Russo posted last month.

Now keep in mind that even though this device exists, we don't know for a fact that it's a weapon. It's possible it could be some kind of engine or reactor that powers something else that Tony Stark will bring out during Avengers 4. Either way, with something this large, one would imagine it will have some importance to the plot rather than constructed to be a Easter egg. Then again, maybe the Russos are big fans of Marvel vs. Capcom and decided to pay tribute to the video game.

Since Marvel Studios still hasn't released any story details about Avengers 4, we have no idea what's in store for Iron Man and the other surviving heroes. Still, with Thanos out there and half of the universe snapped out of existence, one couldn't blame Tony Stark for enhancing this device to use against the Mad Titan. Let's also not forget that Avengers 4 might be introducing an "even greater threat" than Thanos, so perhaps this device is intended for that individual/mysterious force. Fortunately, we're only seven months way from having all of our Avengers 4 questions answered, so hang in there, fans!

Avengers 4 hits theaters on May 3, 2019, so keep checking back with CinemaBlend for more updates and look through our Marvel movies guide to learn what else the MCU has in development.

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Looks Like Avengers 4 Might Be Giving Iron Man A Cool, New Weapon

Looks Like Avengers 4 Might Be Giving Iron Man A Cool, New Weapon Movies October 19, 2018 No Comments Even before he donned his numerous Iron Man suits, Tony Stark was a master at creating weapons, though that was solely for turning a profit at Stark Industries.
Looks Like Avengers 4 Might Be Giving Iron Man A Cool, New Weapon

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Looks Like Avengers 4 Might Be Giving Iron Man A Cool, New Weapon

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Avengers Endgame Toys Reveal Plot Details and New Costumes

Nowadays any weapon Tony comes up with is for benevolent purposes, although as we saw with Ultron, sometimes these plans can go horribly wrong. Regardless, Tony is still tinkering around, and a new Avengers 4 set photo has revealed he might be breaking out a new weapon that has a ridiculous amount of firepower.
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The movie opens with him losing most of his people, best-friend Heimdall and even his brother, Loki. However, when he plants his new weapon, Stormbreaker, through the heart of Thanos, it looks like he has finally avenged his people. However, with the snap of his fingers, Thor's heroic act is undone.

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How Alden Ehrenreich Reacted To That Big Han Reveal In Solo: A Star Wars Story

How Alden Ehrenreich Reacted To That Big Han Reveal In Solo: A Star Wars Story

Warning: this article contains some MASSIVE spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story! You've been warned!

If there's one thing that Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story definitely does, it's that it expands the Star Wars franchise lore and Han Solo's relevance to that lore. In that regard, one of the biggest reveals in the entire film comes with the revelation that Han's last name stems from the fact that he has no family or "people." I recently had the chance to ask Han actor Alden Ehrenreich how he felt about that game-changing revelation when he saw it in the script, and he explained that he loved how the writers were able to piece together these smart character moments based on the existing mythology. Ehrenreich told me:

Oh, I thought it was great. I thought it was really clever and really smartly done. I think the writers do a great job of kind of incorporating so many great flourishes that kind of relate to the original movies and bring it all into this.

As shocking as the reveal was for many fans, Alden Ehrenreich loved it when he saw it. The concept of Han's name stemming from his lack of a true home feels firmly rooted in the lore, and the actor appreciated the attempts to tie everything back into the original trilogy in meaningful ways.

Want a closer look at my chat with Alden Ehrenreich about Solo: A Star Wars Story? Take a look at a clip from the interview, below!

Of course, the reveal of Han Solo's name is only one of many different seeds that get planted and fleshed out in Solo: A Star Wars Story. In addition to the character's new title, the film also explains the origins of his trusty blaster, his relationship with Chewbacca, his ownership of the Millennium Falcon, his rivalry with Lando Calrissian, and his willingness to shoot first in a life or death situation -- among many, many others. Now, with Alden Ehrenreich reportedly contracted for more films as the beloved Corellian smuggler, we will have to wait and see what other facets of Han's personality they can expand upon as this corner of the galaxy far, far away continues to evolve.

On that note, if you want to see the story of how Han Solo got his name, then make sure to catch Solo: A Star Wars Story, which is currently in theaters. Beyond that, if you want more in-depth information about the latest Star Wars spinoff movie, then check out our full review of the film as well as our comprehensive To 3D guide. Looking ahead to next year, mark your calendars and start gearing up for the December 20, 2019 debut of J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode IX.

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How Alden Ehrenreich Reacted To That Big Han Reveal In Solo: A Star Wars Story Warning: this article contains some MASSIVE spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story! You've been warned!
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Alden Ehrenreich is taking his role as Han Solo very seriously me feel confident that he will do a good job bringing a young Han Solo to life on the big screen. Solo: A Star Wars Story
How About That BIG Reveal In SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY

Solo: A Star Wars Story is due out May 25, after a somewhat rocky production that saw directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller replaced by Ron Howard over creative differences with Lucasfilm, the removal of Michael K. Williams' character, and reports that Alden Ehrenreich, the star of the spin-off, needed an on-set acting coach to help him embody everyone's favorite space rogue.

CinemaBlend recently had a chance to sit down with Solo: A Star Wars Story star Alden Ehrenreich to pick his brain on one of the film's big reveals about Han. Here's what he had to say.
How Alden Ehrenreich Reacted To That Big Han Reveal In Solo

MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY TO FOLLOW Han Solo is once again back on the big screen this time with Alden Ehrenreich taking the reins and very adequately making the character his own. In Solo he embarks on a journey that has him meeting Chewbacca (Joona Suotamo) and Lando (Donald Glover), getting…
Two Han Solo Sequels May Follow Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story was so much fun, that it could use a sequel or two. Alden Ehrenreich was fantastic and we could use more Star Wars movies.a
Alden Ehrenreich says he's signed on for multiple Han Solo movies

May 25, 2018 · Alden Ehrenreich and the burgeoning curmudgeon of Han Solo. From the opening frame of Solo: A Star Wars Story, it is obvious that Ehrenreich isn't Harrison Ford. In fact he doesn't even appear
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How Alden Ehrenreich Reacted To That Big Han Reveal In Solo

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Han Solo taken seriously by Alden Ehrenreich for Solo: A Star

Why Taika Waititi Isnt Interested In Directing Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3

Why Taika Waititi Isnt Interested In Directing Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3

From the moment that Disney parted ways with director James Gunn on the planned Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Marvel fans have made suggestions about potential replacements. And often, the picks have come from filmmakers with Marvel movies on their resumes. As a result, Taika Waititi gets mentioned frequently as one who could step in and replace Gunn behind the camera on the next Guardians movie, but the Thor: Ragnarok just explained, beautifully, why hed never do that. Waititi says:

For me, those are James films. Going into something like that with his stamp all over his films, would be like going into someones house and saying, Hey, Im your new dad, and this is how we make peanut butter sandwiches now. It feels kind of awkward.

I agree with Taika Waititi 100 percent on this, and I imagine that many others feel this way, which explains why Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 hasnt found a replacement director yet (if ever). Replacing James Gunn on the franchise that he helped mold and shape from square one would be nearly impossible. The tone and humor of the Guardians films belong to Gunn, and the work that he did with that cast. Other Marvel franchises seems a little more interchangeable. It was easier for Waititi to take over Thor after Alan Taylor delivered a lackluster Thor: The Dark World. Not so much with the Guardians movies.

Taika Waititi was discussing this point with Deadline, and explaining why hed never accept to gig if he was offered it by Marvel. But he confirms that he never actually did meet with them about potentially taking over Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, though hes eager to work with Marvel again on a different project. He elaborates:

Im still hanging out with those guys and talking about new stuff. I want to do another movie with them.

Thats interesting, for a few reasons. Only Joe and Anthony Russo have moved on from one Marvel Studios franchise (the Captain America films) to another (two Avengers movies), though that progression made sense. So, is Taika talking about taking on another Thor movie? Could he get involved with the Loki series that is going to Disney+? Or might he jump ship and take on a whole new character and franchise for Marvel down the road?

The quotes dont help us figure out, with any more clarity, when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will happen if it will happen at all. We still believe that Marvel Studios has its collective back against the wall when it comes to finding a replacement director for James Gunn, for the very reasons that Taika Waititi states above.

But the franchise is too popular to just give up on, so where does Marvel go from here? Too much needs to be answered in Avengers: Endgame. When last we saw most of the key Guardians, they had turned to dust after failing to stop Thanos (Josh Brolin). What if that move just isnt reversed? Then, no one has to teach the old Guardians how to make new peanut butter sandwiches. Yeah, Taika really has to work on that analogy.

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